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Atemschutz-Faltmaske FFP3 Atemschutz-Faltmaske FFP3
Atemschutz-Faltmaske, Klasse FFP3 NR D, mit Ventil, weiße Riemen, sehr gute Dichtigkeit, für Brillenträger (Schutzbrillen) bestens geeignet, Dolomitstaub-Einspeicherprüfung bestanden, 20 Boxen à 10 Stück Klasse: FFP3 NR D Ventil: Ja...
39,00 € *
8,50 € * 11,01 € *
Nitril® 3000 Handschuhe Nitril® 3000 Handschuhe
Der Nitril® 3000 ist ein latexfreier Einmalhandschuh aus Nitrilbutadienkautschuk (NBR). Das Material ist nicht nur sehr beständig, sondern passt sich der Hand bereits nach kürzester Zeit wie eine zweite Haut an und garantiert somit...
15,90 € *
OP Mundschutzmaske OP Mundschutzmaske
Disposable medical mask, non woven material, siehe Abbildung NON sterilized packaging, 3-lagig 1 VE = 50 Stück
39,50 € *
Suavel YETI L Suavel YETI L
Characteristics Chemical protective suit made of polypropylene with air-permeable coating for protection against hazardous dust (Type 5) and liquid splashes (type 6) Application Category III protective suit for use in hospitals, e.g. in...
9,90 € *
Suavel YETI M Suavel YETI M
Characteristics Chemical protective suit made of polypropylene with air-permeable coating for protection against hazardous dust (Type 5) and liquid splashes (type 6) Application Category III protective suit for use in hospitals, e.g. in...
9,90 € *
Suavel YETI XL Suavel YETI XL
Characteristics Chemical protective suit made of polypropylene with air-permeable coating for protection against hazardous dust (Type 5) and liquid splashes (type 6) Application Category III protective suit for use in hospitals, e.g. in...
9,90 € *
Characteristics C hemical protective suit made of polypropylene with air-permeable coating for protection against hazardous dust (Type 5) and liquid splashes (type 6) Application Category III protective suit for use in hospitals, e.g. in...
9,90 € *
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